Where is my tracking number?

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Please log into your account, under your order you will find the tracking #, if there is no tracking # that means your order has not shipped out as of yet. (we usually ship within 5 days of your order being placed, unless there is a ship date on the product purchase page).

You will receive a tracking number one a shipping label is printed, THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOUR ORDER IS SHIPPED YET. Once there is movement with your order the tracking number that was emailed to you will be updated.

You may copy your tracking # and go to https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input to see the expected delivery date. If you went with regular first class/letter mail then your order will arrive in 1-5 business days, priority mail takes 1-3 business days.

There is no other information available at this time. PLEASE NOTE *Once package has been scanned by delivery service for shipment, all delivery claims and disputes must be handled between buyer and shipping company.*

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